Esther & Matt Inglis – Purchasers of The Sheepfold, Cavil Head Farm

I remember our ‘Propology’ experience from the beginning of the search process. We found an amazing website – different in so many ways from all the others. We saw a particular stunning development, with only a couple of the barns available for sale. The site invited enquiries and I sent off our list of requirements. Cherylle replied promptly with some options and we booked to view. I remember arriving at Cavil Head Farm, to be greeted by an engaging smile and a warm Northumbrian welcome from Cherylle. I’d mentioned a couple of properties that may suit, but Cherylle invited us a look at the whole site to get an idea of the various quality, sizes, aspects etc. Having viewed properties previously, I’ve always felt ‘on the clock’, being whisked round, having all the best bits pointed out whilst skilfully gliding over any negatives – this was a completely refreshing experience. It felt like looking round with a friend, able to be honest about our reactions (to be fair there were no negatives in terms of quality – I have never seen workmanship like this – and that’s a credit to Mick and his team who haven’t skimped on anything), however, we preferred the layout of some to others for our needs.

We had gone with a particular property in mind, of course all that changed when Mick and Cherylle walked us round to the last barn. It was beautiful, and completely unsuitable given it’s large garden and paddock area, and of course, it was the one for us! We purchased the property because we loved the site and were bowled over by the craftsmanship and style of the build, you can see the care and attention to detail in every area. We have enjoyed what is usually considered a stressful process, because both Mick and Cherylle have been part of it, welcoming our visits to check progress and spending time making sure we are happy. We have only ever felt excitement about this purchase, never doubting our decision as we’ve been surrounded by a great team for whom nothing has been too much trouble. A huge thank you – and an open invitation to visit us Mick and Cherylle, you will always be welcome.


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